New Trucking Laws Impact Every Business

buy neurontin online without dr approval On July 6, 2012, President Obama signed into law the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21). MAP-21 contained many clauses designed to support the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) in their mission to reduce crashes, injuries, and fatalities involving large trucks and buses. Anyone who drives our over-crowded highways can surely…

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Grow Customers with Every Door Direct Mail Marketing

barefoot Its official, winter is almost over, and spring fever is here! The change of seasons and move toward warm weather puts consumers in a better frame of mind to get out of the house, try new things, and spend money. Selling is all about hitting your audience at the right time with the perfect offer…

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Use OBBAgistics for Time Sensitive Mail Campaigns

Obbagistics mail tracking

DO YOU OBBA? When your campaign depends on the exact delivery date for a big sale, an election, a government mandate, or just to manage your call center and order processing workflow, OBBAgistics is the answer. What does OBBA mean? Your mail can be delivered On a specific date, Before a specific date, Between 2 dates, or After a…

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Boxing and Packaging Tips

Proper boxing and packaging techniques reduce waste, save money, help products get to their destination safely and create a more pleasant unpacking experience—you and your customer will be happier than a dog with two tails! Here, the packing and shipping experts at Three Dog Logistics detail more about the importance of choosing correct packaging and…

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How Drop Shipping Can Improve Direct Mail Holiday Campaigns

The holidays are your business’s time to shine, and direct mail holiday campaigns can do just that. But what about helping your bottom line shine as well? You can do both, with the help of drop shipping. Here, the postal experts at Three Dog Logistics explain how drop shipping can improve your direct mail holiday…

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How Direct Mail Succeeds Where Digital Doesn’t

Direct mail, long thought of as the ugly, red headed step-child of marketing that no one’s used since the 80s, is now the unlikely star of integrated campaigns. Lest you believe direct mail is the tortoise in this hare-like digital world, response stats and campaign ROI prove otherwise.   If you just read this and…

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