Grow Customers with Every Door Direct Mail Marketing

Its official, winter is almost over, and spring fever is here! The change of seasons and move toward warm weather puts consumers in a better frame of mind to get out of the house, try new things, and spend money. Selling is all about hitting your audience at the right time with the perfect offer meaning now is the ideal time to recommend local saturation direct mail campaigns to your customers.

Local Saturation Direct Mail: What is it and Why It Works

Local saturation direct mail, also known as EDDM or Every Door Direct Mail is a service offered by the U.S. Postal Service where mail carriers deliver direct mail pieces to each household based on pre-selected targeted postal carrier routes. It requires very little in the way of preparation, is perfect for locally focused companies, and always cost less than first-class mail.

You’re probably thinking: great, “another generic postcard mailing,” but not true with EDDM. Qualifying EDDM specs include multi-page booklets, tri-fold/bi-folds, and a variety of oversized and unique size postcards. So not only can your customers get coupons into each household, but also menus, event schedules, and other “sticky” items for super-cheap rates. There’s no need to purchase mailing lists because campaigns are based on postal carrier routes and delivered to every resident on the route. USPS has an online carrier route selection tool, making it simple to saturate a local market by demographics, radius around a location or any other criteria desired. Best of all EDDM guarantees 100% deliverability. Because EDDM is delivered by the postal carrier, no envelope is necessary; the piece is delivered already opened removing a huge obstacle for any direct mail campaign.

Benefits of the EDDM Program for Printers and Direct Mail Resellers

  1. Includes Direct Mail Options that were Cost-Prohibitive in the Past: Qualifying direct mail specs include multi-page booklets, tri-fold/bi-folds, and many very large and unique size postcards. Your clients probably have no idea they can mail booklets for less than a stamp – suggest EDDM and be the hero!
  2. No Mailing Lists to Purchase: Campaigns are targeted based on postal carrier routes and are delivered to every resident on the route. With the USPS easy on-line carrier route selection tool, it’s super simple to saturate the local markets desired.
  3. EDDM Campaigns Always Mail for Less Than First Class: Offer EDDM service for your DM clients, charge for services rendered, and add a new revenue stream to your bottom line with very little extra work. Launch a profitable new revenue source and make your customers happy. Now that’s what we call a win-win.
  4. All Back-End Processing is Handled for You: At Three Dog Logistics we’ll handle all the back-end work for you including addressing the pieces to “Postal Customer” for the USPS to deliver.
  5. Powerful Targeted Local Campaigns: The EDDM program targets local regions via postal carrier route allowing your clients to segment the buyers they desire in a very cost-effective way.
  6. 100% Deliverability Guarantee: Because EDDM is delivered by the postal carrier, no envelope is necessary; the piece is delivered already opened increasing the chance for engagement.
  7. We Track and Measure Campaign Results for You: At Three Dog Logistics, our sophisticated software tracks and measures campaign performance allowing you to deliver regular reports to your client. Metrics are a terrific way to show campaign success and encourage their next order.
  8. Repetition Matters to Direct Mail ROI: As you know, repetition is key to any marketing campaign, and direct mail is no exception to this rule. Because EDDM is incredibly cost-effective your customers are more likely to schedule repeat campaigns, thereby increasing their ROI, which means more business for you.
  9. National Distribution Network across the Country: The national distribution network at Three Dog Logistics means your company can offer EDDM to local and national clientele. We deliver anywhere, anytime, and for less than first class mail.

Spring Fever Marketing Hacks to Suggest

Restaurants: Promote new spring menu and local ingredients, multi-course chef’s menu with wine pairing dinners or other unique events, distribute carry-out menus to keep at home, and give back to the community nights.

Lawn/Tree Care: Sign-up now for spring lawn care contracts, winter yard clean-up and planting deals just in time for spring, and tree care/pruning offers provided by local experts.

Health Clubs: Summer is coming – now is the time to get in swimsuit shape. Weight-loss challenges with exclusive offers, health and well-being classes, and sign-up for outdoor boot camp classes once the weather is nice.

Auto Service and Dealers: New 2018 model year sales, tax rebates are the perfect time to buy a new car, get your car ready for summer specials, car wash/detailing coupons, and community give back efforts.

Spas/Hair & Nail Salons: New Spring season = new haircut and color for you, pamper yourself with facial/massage/nail care as the season changes, tanning specials, and girl’s night out parties.

Non-Profits: Tell your story and ask for support by recruiting for volunteers, promoting upcoming fundraising events, or simply just asking for donations.

Now is the perfect time to suggest an EDDM campaign to your clients. Lots of direct mail options, speedy delivery, low cost, and powerful targeting all add up to a winner for your clients and a healthier bottom line for you. Your customers will think you’re a genius and it means more business for you, so what are you waiting for?

Ready to give EDDM a whirl? Set-up is a snap and we offer dedicated support every step of the way. Remember, at Three Dog Logistics we take the bite out of postage and freight. Contact us at or call 410-284-5494 ext. 250 to schedule a complimentary consultation today.