The Secret to Great Marketing Messages: WIIFM
I have news that may come as a shock; your marketing has nothing to do with your company. It’s all about WIIFM or “What’s In It For Me.” Surprised? Don’t be, we humans are very predictable and really enjoy being catered to; all the time.
Approaching your marketing messages from this perspective will deliver memorable and highly effective campaigns that are amazingly easy to write. I’ll liken it to gift-giving at the holidays; you want to pick the perfect present to make the recipient happy and that takes perspective. After all no one wants to get a vacuum cleaner when they REALLY wanted a diamond necklace – anyone ever had this pleasant experience? I can vouch for the fact that it’s not fun and certainly doesn’t deliver the results you want.
Want the secret? Voila, I give you the step-by-step plan for crafting marketing messages that grab attention and get results.
Crafting Marketing Messages that Grab Attention & Get Results
Know your audience. I mean really know them. Who is your audience? What do they look like? What’s important to them? What kind of business are they in and what are their goals? Why would they be looking for your product/service? What do they do in their spare time? You get it, do your homework. You can’t write WIIFM messages without knowing who you’re talking to.
What does your service/product do for the audience? Will it make their life easier? Make them stand out against their competition? Make them more money? Get customers talking about them? Pick the top three reasons that, based on knowing your audience, will be the most important to them. Those are the main topics to focus your messaging around.
Why is your product/service different from others? Do NOT write this from your perspective, but rather based on reasons that are important to your audience. Listing off a bunch of general sales jargon here will pretty much kill your message. This step should incorporate why what your company does will meet the audience’s needs/desires/goals/etc.
Now walk away from your list for a few minutes or even sleep on it overnight. The final step is to consolidate your Who, What, Why statements into one sentence of only 5-7 words. That’s it just 5-7 words and shorter is better. This will be your company’s main marketing message to build all other campaign content around. I’m not saying this is an easy plan, but it definitely gets easier the more you do it. Not only can this technique be used for marketing messaging, but also to collect feedback from your clients via surveys. If you can get your audience to tell you more about themselves imagine how much easier (and better) your marketing messages will become!
Once you work your creative magic, let Three Dog Logistics get it into your target mailboxes. Remember, we take the bite out of postage and freight. Visit or call 410-284-5494 extension 340 to schedule a complimentary consultation today.