Are You Benefiting From the Top 10 Ways Three Dog is Saving Clients Money?


  1. Postage Optimization: After carefully analyzing each mail file, Three Dog Logistics will help minimize Postage Costs and Speed up In-Home Delivery.
  2. National Delivery Network: Take advantage of USPS Destination Delivery Discounts by utilizing our National Delivery Network to USPS NDC’s and SCF’s.
  3. Benefit from commingling: Commingling Standard and Non-Profit Mail into 1 Large USPS Verification/Drop of between 1.5 MM and 3 MM mail pieces.
  4. Qualify for volume discounts: Volume Discounted LTL Pallet Rates from National Name Brand Carriers.
  5. USPS Full Service eligibility: We are USPS Full Service compliant to achieve maximum discounts.
  6. Visibility and Tracking from Dock to Delivery.
  7. USPS Connected: Leverage our strong relationship/partnership with the United States Post Office, to help speed up the delivery of your mail.
  8. Industry Advice: Consulting Services -to help with Packaging and Mailing Options to maximize postage Savings.
  9. Clear warehouse space faster: Warehousing and racking options to help Customers clear their work floor and cut down on Transportation Costs for Future Mailing Jobs.
  10. Faster no hassle USPS Verification: On-Site USPS Verification at our Facilities to help speed up the Verification and Shipping Process. Our Jobs are shipped immediately after the USPS Verification is complete.