ATTN: Printers & Mail Service Providers. Make More Money and Look Like a Rock Star with EDDM!

For anyone that delivers direct mail services, I’m about to let you in on a BIG secret that will make you a Rock Star in your clients’ eyes and add bottom line profit. How, you ask? Simple: EDDM (Every Door Direct Mail) with Three Dog Logistics. If you think EDDM is only postcards and door hangers, then you’re really missing the boat on all EDDM has to offer.

Benefits of the EDDM Program for Printers and Mail Service Providers

  • Includes Direct Mail Options that were Cost-Prohibitive in the Past: Qualifying direct mail specs include multi-page booklets, tri-fold/bi-folds, and many very large and unique size postcards. Your clients have no idea they can mail booklets for less than a stamp – suggest it and you’re a Rock Star.
  • No Mailing Lists to Purchase: Campaigns are targeted based on postal carrier routes and delivered to every resident on the route. USPS has an easy on-line carrier route selection tool, making it simple to saturate the local market desired.
  • EDDM Campaigns Always Mail for Less Than First Class: Offer EDDM services for all your Direct Mail clients, charge for services rendered, and add a new revenue stream to your bottom line with no extra work. New revenue sources are always good, right?
  • All Back-End Processing is Handled for You: Three Dog Logistics handles all of the sorting, preparing, paperwork, verification, and we deliver nationwide into the postal stream.
  • Powerful Targeted Local Campaigns: The EDDM program targets local regions via postal carrier route allowing your clients to segment the buyers they desire in a very cost-effective way.
  • 100% Open Rate Guarantee: Because EDDM is delivered by the postal carrier, no envelope is necessary; the piece is delivered already opened, removing a huge obstacle in the direct mail world.
  • We Track and Measure Campaign Results for You: Since we’re handling the last mile into the USPS, we can provide proof of delivery that your mail is starting to be processed. Won’t your clients be surprised? Plus, it’s a great way to show speed of entry and encourage their next order.
  • National Distribution Network across the Country: The national distribution network at Three Dog Logistics means your company can offer EDDM to local and national clientele. We deliver EDDM anywhere, anytime, and for less than first class mail.

With spring right around the corner, it’s the perfect time to suggest an EDDM campaign to your clients. More direct mail options, faster delivery, lower cost, and powerful targeting all add up to an all win scenario with increased response for your clients and a healthier bottom line for you. Hey Rock Star, what are you waiting for?

Ready to give EDDM a try? Set-up is a snap and we offer dedicated support every step of the way. Remember, at Three Dog Logistics we take the bite out of postage and freight. Visit or call 410-284-5494 extension 340 to schedule a complimentary consultation today.